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сгруппированы по областям применения
программы и метода Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA )
Розничная торговля, сети
Банковские и финансовые услуги
Нефтегазовая промышленность
Подразделения крупных компаний
Сфера услуг
Здравоохранение и медицинские
Образование и вузовское
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Data Envelopment Analysis в Страховом бизнесе:
Fecher, Fabienne, D.
Kessler, Sergio Perelman and P.Pertieau, (1993), "Productive
performance of the French insurance industry", The Journal of
Productivity Analysis 4, pp 77-93.
Kramer, Bert, (1997),
"N.E.W.S.: a model for the evaluation of non-life insurance
companies", European Journal of Operational Research 98(2), pp 419-430.
Cummins, J. David and
Hongmin Zi, (1999), "Comparison of frontier efficiency methods: An
application to the U.S. life insurance industry", The Journal of
Productivity Analysis 10(2), pp 131-152.
Sahoo, Biresh K.,
(2000), "Efficiency and returns to scale in life insurance corporation
of India", TAPMI Working Paper Series No. 2000/06, T. A. Pai Management
Vela, Sandra Ann,
(2000), "Canadian life and health insurance productivity evaluation
using data envelopment analysis", M.Sc. Dissertation, University
of Toronto.
Fukuyama, Hirofumi and
William L. Weber, (2001), "The efficiency and productivity change of
non-life insurance companies in Japan", Pacific Economic Review 6(1),
pp 129-146.
Data Envelopment Analysis в
Банковском деле:
Berg, Sigbjorn Atle,
Finn R. Fø rsund and Eilev S. Jansen, (1992), "Malmquist indices
of productivity growth during the deregulation of Norwegian banking,
1980-1989", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 94, pp 211-228.
Barr, Richard S. and
Thomas F. Siems, (1994), "Predicting bank failure using DEA to quantify
management quality", Financial industry studies working paper no.1-94,
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Chaffai, Mohamed E.,
(1997), "Estimating input-specific technical inefficiency: The case of
the Tunisian banking industry", European Journal of Operational
Research 98(2), pp 314-331.
Akhavein, Jalal D., P.
A. V. B. Swamy, Stephen B.Taubman and Rao N. Singamsetti, (1997), "A
general method of deriving the inefficiencies of banks from a profit
function", The Journal of Productivity Analysis 8(1), pp 71-93.
Aleskerov, Fuad, Hasan
Ersel and Osman Reha Yolalan, (1999), "Multicriterial method for
evaluating bank branch performance", Discussion Paper Series No: 97-01,
Yapi Kredi Bank.
Avkiran, Necmi K.,
"An application reference for data envelopment analysis in
branch banking: Helping the novice researcher (forthcoming)",
International Journal of Bank Marketing.
Avkiran, Necmi K.,
(1999), "The evidence on efficiency gains: The role of mergers and the
benefits to the public", Journal of Banking and Finance 23(7), pp
Data Envelopment Analysis в
Нефтегазовой отрасли:
Taylor, D. T. and
Russell G. Thompson, (1995), "DEA best practice assesses relative
efficiency, profitability", The Oil and Gas Journal 93(46), pp 60-64.
Thompson, Russell G.,
Euntaik Lee and Robert M. Thrall, (1992), "DEA/AR-efficiency of U.S.
independent OIL/GAS producers over time", Computers & Operations
Research 19(5), pp 377-391.
Thompson, Russell G.,
Parakramaweera Sunil Dharmapala, Juan Díaz, María Gonzáles-Lima
and Robert M. Thrall, (1996), "DEA multiplier analytic center
sensitivity with an illustrative application to independent oil
companies", Annals of Operations Research 66,pp 163-177.
Thompson, R. G., P. S. Dharmapala, L. J. Rothenberg and R.
M. Thrall: 1993 "Assurance Region and Cone Ratio Approaches in DEA
Analysis of 14 World- wide Major Oil Companies", Working Paper No. 109,
Rice University, pp. 1-17.
Thompson, R. G., E. Lee, and R. M. Thrall: 1990
"Efficiency of the Multi-Product Firm Over Time as Applied to U.S. Inde-
pendent Oil/Gas Producers", Working Paper No. 82, Rice University, pp.
Data Envelopment Analysis в Розничной
Antreas D., (1998), "Optimization models for assessing marketing
efficiency in multi-branch organizations", The International Review of
Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research 8(4), pp 415-443.
Cook, Wade D., (2000),
"Site selection for retail facilities using DEA", Presented at:
North American Productivity Workshop [in DEA and weight restriction],
Schenectady, United States of America.
Shale, Estelle,
(1997), "Performance assessment of a rapidly expanding chain of retail
outlets", Presented at: (OR 39) 39th Annual Conference of the
Operational Research Society [in Data envelopment analysis stream],Bath,
United Kingdom, 9/9 to 9/11.
Balakrishnan, P. V., Anand Desai and James E.
Storbeck, (1994), "Efficiency evaluation of retail outlet
networks", Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 21(4),pp
DEA Analysis в оценке
Подразделений компаний:
Friedman, Lea and
Zilla Sinuany-Stern, (1998), "Combining ranking scales and selecting
variables in the DEA context: The case of industrial branches",
Computers & Operations Research 25(9), pp 781-791.
Oral, Muhittin and
Osman Reha Yolalan, (1990), "An empirical study on measuring operating
efficiency and profitability of bank branches", European Journal of
Operational Research 46(3), pp 282-294.
Jablonsky, Josef,
(2000), "Comparison of efficiency of Czech industry branches by data
envelopment analysis", Presented at: (APORS' 2000) in 5th Conference of
the Association of Asian-Pacific Operations Research Societies within IFORS,
Singapore, Singapore, 7/5 to 7/7.
Messier, Jean and
Komlan Sedzro, (1996), "On assessment of the relative efficiency of
credit union branches via data envelopment analysis", Presented at:
INFORMS conference [in Data envelopment analysis applications II],
Washington, United States of America.
Sinuany-Stern, Zilla,
Lea Friedman and Arieh Avishur, (1998), "Comparisons among scale ranks
via DEA: A case study of industrial branches", Presented at: INFORMS
Israel 1998 [in Extensions of DEA], Tel Aviv, Israel, 6/28 to 7/1.
Data Envelopment Analysis в Сфере
Morey, Richard C.,
Donna L. Retzlaff-Roberts and David J. Fine, (1994), "Getting something
for nothing: Estimating service level improvements possible in
hospitals", International Transactions in Operational Research 1(3), pp
Navarro, Jose L. and
Jose A. Camacho, (2001), "Productivity of the service sector: A
regional perspective", Serv. Ind. Journal 21(1), pp 123-148.
Nesher, Ariela,
(1981), "The effects of public services provision on the quality of
urban life", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania.
Rouse, Paul, (2001),
"Pricing public health care services using DEA: Methodology versus
politics", Presented at: (OR 43) 43th Annual Conference of the
Operational Research Society [in Data envelopment analysis], Bath, United
Kingdom, 9/4 to 9/6.
Ruggiero, John, W.
Duncombe and J. Miner, (1995), "On the measurement and causes of
technical inefficiency in local public services: An application to public
education", Journal of Policy Analysis Research and Theory 5, pp
Sueyoshi, Toshiyuki,
(1995), "Ramsey tariff structure of NTT basic telephone service:
Marginal cost-based DEA application (in Japanese)", Operations
Research: Communications of the Operations Research Society of Japan 40(12),
pp 701-705.
Tankersley, Julia
Elizabeth, (2000), "Managing service quality using data envelopment
analysis", Ph.D. dissertation, Florida State University.
Van Zandt, Gary
Martin, (1998), "A production efficiency case study in a small service
organization utilizing efficiency ratio modeling", Ph.D. dissertation,
Southern Illinois University.
Banker, Rajiv D. and
Richard C. Morey, (1993), "Integrated system design and operational
decisions for service sector outlets", Journal of Operations Management
11(1), pp 81-98.
Data Envelopment Analysis в
Bannick, Richard R.
and Yasar A. Ozcan, (1995), "Efficiency analysis of federally funded
hospitals: Comparison of DoD and VA hospitals using data envelopment
analysis", Health Services Management Research 8(2), pp 73-85, May.
Charnes, Abraham,
William Wager Cooper, Martin Jorge Dieck-Assad, Boaz Golany and D. Wiggins,
(1988), "Efficiency analysis of uses of medical care resources in the
U.S. army health services command", in (Kuhn, R. L., ed.), Frontiers of
medical information science, Praeger, pp 101-120.
Grosskopf, Shawna,
Dimitri Margaritis and Vivian Grace Valdmanis, (1995), "Estimating
output substitutability of hospital services: A distance function
approach", European Journal of Operational Research 80(3), pp 575-585.
Huang, Yueh-Guey Laura
and C. P. McLaughlin, (1989), "Relative efficiency in rural primary
health care: An application of data envelopment analysis", Health
Services Research 24(2), pp 143-158, June.
Lewin, Arie Y.,
(1983), "Comments on 'Measuring routine nursing service efficiency: A
comparison of cost per patient day and data envelopment analysis
models'", Health Services Research 18(2), pp 206-208.
Ozcan, Yasar A., (1995), "Efficiency of
hospital service production in local markets: The balance sheet of U.S.
medical armament", Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 29(2), pp 139-150.
Data Envelopment Analysis в
models of educational accountability", Oxford Review of Education
14(3), (1988),pp 321-339.
Ahn, Tae Sik, (1987),
"Efficiency and related issues in higher education: A data envelopment
analysis approach", Ph. D. dissertation, College and Graduate School of
Business, University of Texas, Austin.
Bardhan, Indranil R.,
(1995), "Data envelopment analysis and frontier regression approaches
for evaluating the efficiency of public sector activities : Applications to
public school education in Texas", Ph.D. dissertation, University of
Texas, Austin.
Bessent, Authella M.,
Edgar Wailand Bessent, Joyce Elam and D. Long, (1984), "Educational
productivity council employs management science methods to improve
educational quality", Interfaces 14(6), pp 1-8, Nov-Dec.
Breu, T. M. and
Raymond L. Raab, (1994), "Efficiency and Perceived Quality of the
Nation’s Top 25 National Universities and national liberal arts colleges:
An application of data envelopment analysis to higher education",
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 28(1), pp 33-45
Cave, M., S. Hanney,
M. Kogan and G. Trevet, (1988),The use of performance indicators in higher
education: A critical analysis of developing practice, Jessica Kingsley DEA ANALYSIS
Publishers Ltd., London.
Diamond, Jr, Arthur
and Jeanette N. Medewitz, (1990), "Use of data envelopment analysis in
an evaluation of the efficiency of the deep program for economic
education", Journal of Economic Education 21(3), pp 337-354.
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